Negotiation Skills & Exchange for Students from San Diego and Sha’ar Hanegev

"We are constantly on the lookout for exceptional partners the San Diego Diplomacy Council can work with to share our love of learning, diplomacy, negotiation, and teamwork with others. Few organizations have a vision for a program so closely aligned with ours, and few programs are as successful, as our recent partnership with PATHWAYS."
Fabienne Perlov
Executive Director, San Diego Diplomacy Council

Together with the San Diego Diplomacy Council and partners, we co-facilitated a series of dynamic virtual creative negotiation and exchange workshops for 23 San Diego and Israeli high school students interested in learning how to approach difficult negotiations in diverse and creative ways. The workshop series involved students in a range of simulations, games, and strategies to improve their negotiation skills.

Thank you to the San Diego Diplomacy Council, the Jewish Federation of San Diego County, Sha’ar Hanegev Regional Council, Sha’ar Hanegev High School, and La Jolla Country Day School for your support on this program.

Read the full article by San Diego Diplomacy Council:

Avi Goldstein

Avi is Founder and International Executive Director of PATHWAYS.