Skype Negotiation

Julia Mor - 2018-2019 NET Fellowship
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  • Create Date June 10, 2019
  • Last Updated July 13, 2019

Skype Negotiation

Created by

Julia Mor


Brief Description

Although the most effective negotiation is face to face, this method is not always possible. Therefore students should learn to conduct a mini-negotiation with a partner from another school via Skype.


Learning Objectives

Practice speaking on a topic/practice getting to yes/dealing with the complications of online discussions


Lead-in / Preparation

A computer lab with internet connection and Skype and headphones/the case studies for each side


Estimated Class-Time Required

45 minutes


Description of Activities

1. A time is allocated in advance to conduct these negotiations with a partner school, as are students paired up in advance.

2. Students are sent their case studies via email - School 1 receives case 1, while School 2 receives case 2. They must read them first - either individually or as a group (10 min).

3. Then students call up their partner from the other school to begin the negotiation (this may take a few tries, given technical difficulties and such). Students are encouraged to make a video call instead of just a regular call. Their solutions should also be documented so they can present them later to the class - in a notebook or paper (20 min).

4. After the allotted 20 minutes, students regroup together in the classroom for a debrief. The teacher encourages the students to share their negotiations - what did they learn from their negotiating partner that they didn’t know before they started? What were the outcomes? What solutions did they reach, if any? Share them on the board together to show the different outcomes.


Key Vocabulary / Phrases (if applicable)

contribute, to outline, to strain a relationship, milestone, to set a date



Besides seeing that the student in fact spoke to his partner on the topic, that they have jotted down their solutions/or reasons for not reaching a solution.



After the session, where they heard the other solutions, they can write a reflection about if they were satisfied with their solution, and why.


Attached Files

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