Preparing to Negotiate in The Treasure of Lemon Brown

Yasmin Abu Saad - Pathways Teachers Fellow 2017-2018
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  • Create Date June 9, 2019
  • Last Updated July 13, 2019

Preparing to Negotiate in The Treasure of Lemon Brown


Yasmin Abu Saad



Students will be able to present the characters they represent and generate a solution for the father-son relationship.



Double lesson (90 minute lesson)

  • The first discussion can be around 10 minutes, depending on your students.
  • The worksheet should take them about 15-20 minutes to fill out.
  • One-on-one sessions should take about 10 minutes.
  • Presentation and reflection can take up a full lesson.



Read The Treasure of Lemon Brown

This is a Post Reading Activity, so make sure that you have finished reading the text with students.



Raise the following questions: What will Greg do when he enters the house? How will he approach his father?

Have a short discussion with the students to see what ideas they have.

Divide the class into two groups: group 1 will represent the father (Mr. Ridley) while group 2 represents Greg.

Hand out PATHWAYS’ negotiation preparation worksheet and have the students fill it in, focusing on the issue between the two characters: basketball vs. math and good grades.

Students from group 1 should do the preparation in small groups with other students who have the same role and the same for group 2.

Pair students up from group 1 and group 2, so they have a one-on-one session on what will happen next. How will this father-son relationship overcome this issue?

After they finish, have students present the outcome of their conversations.

Then, reflect on the whole activity using the Reflection questions.



different perspectives, report card, lecture, interests, options, legitimacy, relationship, communication, alternatives, commitment



Participation and active discussions.



Prepare worksheet with the following reflection questions:

  • Did you like the activity? Why or why not?
  • Did the "seven elements" preparation have an effect on the conversation between the two characters? If so, how?
  • In your opinion, was it useful to incorporate preparation about these seven elements? Could this kind of thinking have a positive impact on our daily lives?

Attached Files

Preparing to Negotiate in The Treasure of Lemon Brown.pdfDownload