Around the World in 90 minutes

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  • Create Date June 23, 2023
  • Last Updated June 23, 2023

Around the World in 90 minutes

Created by Faten Marzouq

Brief Description

Using the skills of negotiation learned through NESI, students get the chance to express themselves in a clearer and more coherent manner. In this timed-mile pressure activity, students will gain knowledge of foreign cultures. Through group activity, each group gets cards with famous rituals or laws of a certain country. Students then try and discuss them by each trying to express his/ her opinion on them. In this activity, students negotiate culture, beliefs, laws, virtues, etc. Students try to agree on certain rituals or laws that they would wish to adopt to their own culture. Students will have to use inquiry, acknowledgment and advocacy statements in order to present what they all agreed on in front of the class.    


Learning Objectives

  • Students will use PATHWAYS vocabulary sentence stems for inquiry and expressing an opinion
  • Students will be exposed to different cultures.
  • Students will use inquiry, acknowledgment, and advocacy statements in order to get to an agreement. 
  • Students will practice the skill of negotiation by trying to convince one another of their stand and opinion on the matter presented. 



Lead-in / Preparation / Prerequisite Knowledge


  • Basic and most frequent words, expressions or chunks used when expressing an opinion or while negotiating.  


Estimated Class-Time Required


Two 45 minute consecutive lessons (90 minutes) 


Description of Activities


  • Students are divided into groups.  
  • Each group gets a card (better with pictures)
  • The card must have at least 5 (subject to change) rituals or laws that are particular to a certain country. Each group has a different card about a different country.
  • Timing the activity, the students in each group will discuss the different aspects of each ritual or law presented; then, each member will try and convince the rest of the group why he thinks this ritual or law should be adopted into the students' culture while the others not. 
  • By negotiating, students have to agree on at least 2 (subject to change) of the rituals or laws presented in their card. 
  • Each group chooses one speaker to present in front of the class. 
  • After all groups finish presenting, the teacher may open a new discussion negotiating only the chosen rituals and laws from the different cultures by all groups for finally choosing only a couple (subject to change). Here the whole class is practicing negotiation and using the skills of inquiry and advocacy in order to agree on a certain and limited number of rituals or laws. 


Key Vocabulary / Phrases

Expressing one's own opinion

I think that…

In my point of view…

I agree but…

I disagree because….

In my own perspective….

I tend to agree/disagree….



Why do you think that…?

Tell me more…

What law or ritual do you think our culture mostly in need for?

What leads you to say that...?

Do you have anything to add to …?

What I'd like to understand is…?

How do you see this law or ritual making a change…?

If you had to choose between ... and ...?

Please tell me more about...

Walk me through ...

What leads you to see or believe what you say?

Why do you feel...?

What makes you so sure of what you are suggesting? 

Why…? Why not…?




Assessment rubric


Used correct phrases to express an opinion and persuade
Was highly engaged in the group's discussion
Partners agreed with his / her opinion.
Spoke loudly enough to be heard and spoke clearly
Contributed and made an effort to learn




Students may write an essay following the activity in which they may describe their thoughts "in private" with the teacher. In addition, the students can explain in detail how to implement the law or ritual they chose in their own culture. 



Cards can be handmade or via computer. 



  • Instead of cards, you can let students watch a short video showing some information about a certain country and then follow the same instructions above. 
  • Via Zoom, you can have the students in breakout rooms, each group will get a file with the country's information, and then in the main room, each group will present her final judgment.  


Attached Files